Your iPhone’s Hidden Gems: Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Storage

You may think you know everything about your iPhone, but there are always hidden features waiting to be discovered. One such feature can be a game-changer, right in front of your eyes. With Apple continuously adding new features to keep the interface fresh, it’s easy for some useful changes to go unnoticed by many users.

Take, for example, the screenshot feature. While it has been available on iPhones for years, not everyone knows how to use it to its full potential. Plus, those screenshots can quickly accumulate and take up precious storage space in your camera roll.

But fear not! There’s a simple trick that can help you save ample amounts of storage space on your phone. Instead of going through the tedious process of manually deleting screenshots from your camera roll, you can now share a screenshot with someone and delete it right away without entering the Photos app.

This ingenious trick, highlighted on Reddit, has garnered praise from users who have benefited from a streamlined photo album experience. By selecting the “Done” option when the screenshot thumbnail appears, you can access a menu that allows you to choose “Copy and Delete.” The screenshot will be copied for sharing but won’t be saved to your camera roll. If needed, you can find it in the Recently Deleted folder for up to 30 days before it disappears forever.

This simple hack can save you gigabytes of storage over the years, providing a convenient solution for those who frequently take screenshots. Users have expressed their excitement about this discovery, with one Reddit user exclaiming, “How did I never notice this before? Brilliant. Thank you.”

But wait, there’s more! The iPhone has other hidden gems you may want to explore. Another useful trick is the Back Tap feature, which allows you to take screenshots by double or triple tapping on the back of your phone. By enabling this feature in Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap, you can take screenshots with just one hand, providing a faster and easier way to capture your screen.

Lastly, did you know you can adjust the opacity of a screenshot? After taking a screenshot, accessing the thumbnail and tapping the (+) button in the bottom right corner allows you to select “Opacity.” This feature adds a filter to the screen, turning it gray and enabling you to make annotations without interference from other screen elements.

Now that you’re armed with these handy tips and tricks, you can make the most out of your iPhone’s features while optimizing your storage space. Happy screenshotting!


Q: What is the main topic of the article?
A: The article discusses hidden features of iPhones, focusing on a trick to save storage space by sharing and deleting screenshots without saving them to the camera roll.

Q: How can I save storage space on my iPhone?
A: Instead of manually deleting screenshots from your camera roll, you can share a screenshot with someone and delete it right away without entering the Photos app. This trick can save you gigabytes of storage over the years.

Q: How do I use the trick to save storage space?
A: When a screenshot thumbnail appears after taking a screenshot, select the “Done” option. This will bring up a menu where you can choose “Copy and Delete.” The screenshot will be copied for sharing but won’t be saved to your camera roll.

Q: Where can I find the screenshot if I need it later?
A: If needed, you can find the screenshot in the Recently Deleted folder for up to 30 days before it disappears forever.

Q: What other hidden features does the iPhone have?
A: The article mentions two other hidden features. One is the Back Tap feature, which allows you to take screenshots by double or triple tapping on the back of your phone. The other is the ability to adjust the opacity of a screenshot, which allows for annotations without interference from other screen elements.

– Interface: The way in which a user interacts with and controls a device or software.
– Screenshot: An image captured of the current screen on a device, typically used for sharing or documenting information.
– Thumbnail: A small version or preview of a larger image or document.

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