Samsung Regains Market Dominance as iPhone Alarms Fail

The recent incident of iPhone alarms failing to go off has sparked a wave of social media mockery from Samsung toward its rival Apple. In a witty Instagram post, Samsung UK shared a dog meme with the caption, “Rest assured our alarms go off,” along with the declaration that “Samsung users woke up on time today.”

iPhone users took to social media, including TikTok, to express their frustration over the alarm malfunction. Apple has acknowledged the issue and its experts are diligently working to resolve the glitch, although the exact cause has not yet been disclosed. Speculation among device experts suggests that the problem could be linked to the iPhone’s Attention Aware feature, which automatically reduces notification sounds and dims the display when the user is not actively looking at the device.

Adding fuel to the fire, reports have surfaced that the Apple HomePod speaker is also experiencing difficulties with telling the time. Users have found that instead of providing a verbal response, Siri directs them to check their iPhones. Although Siri now responds to the specific question, “What time is it?” it fails to answer variations such as “What’s the time?” or “Can you tell me the time?”.

These recent issues coupled with a decline in iPhone sales have allowed Samsung to regain its dominance in the global smartphone market. According to market tracker Counterpoint Research, Samsung’s shipment volume surpassed that of Apple in the first quarter of the year, with a global market share of 20 percent compared to Apple’s 17 percent.

As the rivalry between Samsung and Apple continues, it remains to be seen how Apple will rectify its alarm and HomePod issues and regain its footing in the fiercely competitive smartphone market. In the meantime, Samsung gleefully reclaims the number one spot in terms of market share, leaving iPhone users questioning the reliability of their alarms while Samsung users bask in the reassurance that their alarms will, in fact, go off.


1. What is the recent incident involving iPhone alarms?
– iPhone alarms have been failing to go off, causing frustration among users.

2. What was Samsung’s response to this incident?
– Samsung UK shared a dog meme on Instagram, mocking Apple and asserting that Samsung alarms work properly.

3. What is the speculated cause of the iPhone alarm malfunction?
– Device experts suggest it could be linked to the iPhone’s Attention Aware feature, which reduces notification sounds and dims the display when the user is not actively looking at the device.

4. What is the issue with Apple’s HomePod speaker?
– Users have found that instead of providing a verbal response, Siri directs them to check their iPhones when asked for the time.

5. Who reported that the Apple HomePod speaker is experiencing difficulties?
– Reports have surfaced regarding the issues with the HomePod speaker.

6. How have these recent issues affected the smartphone market?
– With declining iPhone sales and the reported issues, Samsung has regained dominance in the global smartphone market, surpassing Apple’s shipment volume and market share.

7. How does Samsung currently hold in terms of global market share?
– According to Counterpoint Research, Samsung holds a global market share of 20 percent, while Apple holds 17 percent.

8. How will Apple rectify the alarm and HomePod issues?
– It is not disclosed how Apple will resolve the issues, but their experts are working diligently to fix the glitches.

9. What is the current status of the rivalry between Samsung and Apple?
– The rivalry continues, and it remains to be seen how Apple will regain its footing in the smartphone market.

– Glitch: a sudden and usually temporary malfunction or fault in a system.
– Market share: the percentage or proportion of the total available market that is controlled by a particular company.
– Shipment volume: the quantity or number of units of a product that are shipped by a company.
– Speculation: the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
– Verbal response: a spoken response given in words.

Related links:
Samsung Global